Friday, August 8, 2008

August is my hero!

So from what I thought was a meeting for freelance work totally turned interview/ getting hired for the sweetest damn gig I can imagine for a Graphic Designer in Attalla, AL (hell Etowah County). This job is so grown up man! I get a nice salary, benefits and freedom to work from home or the office.

Yesterday Aug. 7th marked the day I got hired at Boaz Printing and my 90 days at Nvius Graphics (tons of shit goes down in 1 year man). I've noticed a pattern I leave one SHIT job to only get hired for sweet, sweeter and SWEETEST gigs. Thing is these last 2 have found me (I must be a damn celebrity and didn't know it). Thank you resume that was frantically sent out to any and everything graphic wise 1.5 year ago and Google.

August is now my favorite month!


Eric Wright said...

So Jamie is anti July You are pro August. I think we need charts

Creative Verbiage said...

Yep I agree. We should totally do a poll on loved/hated months of the year.