Wednesday, August 6, 2008

LBC, flower power, mod, graphic & geisha

So the wonderfully brilliant Laura came up with the idea for the Graphic Artist chicas to do a logo for one another (Laura for Les, Les for me, and me for Laura). Cause well I know I've been "designing" my own logo for the past 2 years (nothing has come of it). And like she said, it's hard to design for yourself to get the "look" that represents you. So here are 5 moc ups I did for her.


Eric Wright said...

nice i am torn between one and three. One I like the simplicity and the twist but three i like cause of the mondrian thing going on and the cool color feel. For round two, a logo contest for winner gets dinner, or beer- well it was worth a try

LBC said...

Two and three are my faves.