Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
In Case You Didn't Know.... I heart Pits! Great song & vid.
I'll probably always own at list one pit throughout my life.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Cypress Vine
Les introduced me to this wonderful plant. She called it hummingbird vine that she got while in Tuscaloosa. Now that I have it of course I've seen it a few places. One in particular is a neighbors house I go by when I walk the pups. I finally got to ask her where did she get hers, and actually they voluntarily came up due to neighbor planting them. They look lovely growing out and up the cracks of her retaining wall. She told me the name of the plant is Cypress Vines. So you know me I Googled it and here is a little bit of info on it.
Cypress-vine is a very attractive twining morning-glory with smooth stems, lacy leaves and scarlet flowers. The leaves are 3-4 in (7.6-10.2 cm) long and feather-like, finely divided pinnately into threadlike segments. The scarlet red (rarely white) flowers are tubular, about 1.5 in (3.8 cm) long, and flare out at the mouth into a five-pointed star. Under ideal conditions the vine can climb to 20 ft (6 m) or more, but it is always a dainty, fragile vine and not at all aggressive.
Cypress-vine is native to Mexico and tropical America but has escaped cultivation and is now established throughout much of the eastern United States from Florida and Texas north to at least Kansas and Ohio. It seems still to be expanding its range. Cypress-vine normally occurs in cultivated fields, roadsides and disturbed areas.
Use cypress-vine to cover a trellis in a hurry. The lacy leaves and brilliant red flowers make a screen that you'd rather look at than through. Cypress-vine is an excellent source of nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds. It will continue to bloom until frost. I allow them to climb on my butter beans in the vegetable garden.
Cypress-vine is the perfect plant for the just-germinating gardener. The seeds are relatively large, easy to handle and take only 4 days to sprout; the cotyledons (seed leaves) are large and distinctive, looking like swept-back airplane wings; the next leaves to appear are the handsome feathery leaves that distinguish the plant; the vine grows quickly, producing beautiful scarlet flowers in less than 30 days. Then the butterflies and hummingbirds come!
Although cypress-vine is not native to North America, it has caused little concern among those who would protect us from exotic pest plants, probably because it does not appear to be replacing any native species or disrupting natural plant communities. It is, in my opinion, a welcome addition to our flora.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Stop Crying!
New BabySafe Ball Makes Shaking Your Infant Guilt And Injury Free
Sorry to all my mommy friends out there, but this was just too funny! You know I love me some babies.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Puppy Patch

My bro sent me this link this morning. Pretty brilliant idea (for small doggies that is). In a vid I ran across online for puppy house breaking, Cesar actually recommends spreading grass or dirt over the pads to get the scent. I wish I had seen that video 3 months ago when I got the pups. Would have made it so much easier. But alas they seem to be house broken. No accidents but 1 for 2 weeks. They are on a roll!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
In reference to me talking to him via chat with gmail and MSN while at work (I used to solely us the Gmail chat, but felt bold and dl'd MSN messenger at work place)
Ateo: GAAAh stop swapping between the two
me: hehe,which do you prefer?
Ateo: Woman... you will die
me: lmao
Ateo: I prefer msn
Ateo: GAAAh stop swapping between the two
me: hehe,which do you prefer?
Ateo: Woman... you will die
me: lmao
Ateo: I prefer msn
That is the name Ivy gave to Eric's b&w pup. The Tan pup's name is Juice (Eric came up with that). Nathan says the pups names sound like we were hungry and thirsty at the time of naming them. So far the puppies are pretty good and very very sweet. They are getting slightly better at using the pee matts at all times (the boy more so than the girl) I have spoiled them by taking them out every hour to do their business which Nathan informed me was really bad since they will pee tiny amounts on the carpet if they aren't taken out in about an hour. Luckily a friend had a dog crate (that I had to completely hose down and disinfect literally) but hey no complaints since it's perfect to crate train the youngin's. So far they love it since they associate it with their bed. I put them in last night a little after 11pm and didn't get them out till after 6am this morning. Boy were they ready to go do their business. So much that one started to go on the carpet when it walked out the crate. I picked them up and took them outside immediately luckily (so now they are being introduced into the holding for extended times. Trying to do so for about 2.5 hours without crate last night did not work however. They like to sit on the couch with us and up until last night we had no issues with them using the bathroom on it. Well something told me umm it's about time to take pups out and too late one put a nice puddle on the middle cushion. I still love them though!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
expérimenter avec le romarin frais
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What is the point
As most of you know I bitch and moan about my job situation all the time. I wouldn't do this if 1. My setup wasn't GHETTO. I have a what could be nice G5 mac if it was updated to at least the last year of mac greatness or how about not the oldest OSX (10.2)that isn't supported by ummm ANYTHING current. (aka the printer they have for me to use). 2. In order to print I have to play musical computers which luckily doesn't take but about 5 min but seriously I should not have to do this. You know actually I think I like taking down a monitor, keyboard, mouse and tower anytime I need to print or wait anytime I need to attempt to do anything graphical or photo related on the Mac (NOT). And nope never heard a response from head honcho on if I could just work at home and come when they need me to pick up things since I do have the issue of incompatible file formats. So yes I do get paid to literally sit here and do things like blog and browse the internet because there is absolutely nothing I can pretty much attempt to do efficiently. And yes for the most part there would be down times when working at home, but at least there I can actually get renaming of all my files and reorganizing to up to date stock in those down times. Not so much an option at the office because while musical computers is fun musical files is not. I did luck out and since the Mac has a too old version of Indesign that is not supported by Adobe anymore all the files I created while working at home I cannot open here so I'm happy with that (and no I didn't plan it that way).
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Just in Case
You missed this during the Super Bowl and you have some glasses. Here is the Sobe commercial live in 3d.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Superbowl 43 in 3D!!!!!!
Apartment 73 in the RBC is the place to be for Superbowl 43. ( I swear I just realized all that rhymed as I typed it hehe!)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I'm in Kmart the other day to pick up a few things for the kitchen and I'm walking by and out the corner of my eye I see the 50 calorie snack pack box with a dog on it and am like wtf (surely those low cal snack packs didn't have a dog on it). So I go back and yes they have low calorie snack packs for dogs. Seriously people don't get me wrong I'm all about the 100 cal packs for humans but dogs that is just comical.
I guess if you got a fat dogie this is the way to go. I say get you and the dog out moving and go for walks. Problem solved!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I stand corrected the Mac G5 mentioned in the previous post could not be 7 years old due to it not even being available until 03. It is however most definitely 5 years old and I still hate the POS. There is nothing you can say ETW to make me like it. Yes I'm sure with some fancy upgrades it could be king since it can take up to 8 gigs of RAM. I love my PC and other PCs and am happy to stick with them. Mac is dead to me DEAD you hear.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
At your request Ms. Sparks
Attention: This is a bitch and moan blog entry.
So I've pretty much been working at the office for a month now. Twas fine while I was lugging my own machine back and forth since I had all the files and it was just way more convenient since they didn't really have something suffice for me to use at the office. But enough was enough with the draggin' all my equipment around especially when it rained 2 weeks straight. So now I'm stuck at the office with a 7 year old Mac G5 with only 512 megs of RAM and Photoshop 7 (which I always liked that version), Illustrator 10 (never really used) and Indesign 2.0 (never ever used). Wah Wah Wah!
I got all excited because I thought I was getting all new and shiny equipment with flames kickin' out the back with all it's newness and fanciness. Man that bubble was burst when other office person brings up getting me a computer and big boss man is all O I though she was gonna use the Mac. Now keep in mind i'm no Diva who demands new shit, but come on anyone who designs knows that you do not appreciate watching a wheel spin just to render a photo while trying to clean it up. So luckily the past couple of days I was only cleaning up photos which is no biggie. But i'm done with that now and tried to created a header for the SnS website out of Photoshop upon request of programmer and that did not go so well. Let's just say I honestly tried to make it work for 3 hours so I had a strong argument built as to why I need upgraded (preferably new) equipment.
Well in that 3 hours I felt stress I hadn't felt since pre press days and believe me I was not happy in fact I was in tears. It took me a flippin' hour to calm down and go talk to in office man about going home to finish work on my computer for the day. He was very understanding of my situation but had no clue of my tech speak. I told him that maybe if we put more RAM in the Mac that would help me out a bit. So he calls their computer guy (who is more of a phone system man) to tell him that I knew exactly what type of RAM and that it was the same as a PCs and that I had installed the RAM in the macs at my previous job so I knew what I was talking about. Well computer/ phone dude did not believe me which I had the feeling he would not. He thinks that Mac & PCs are completely different beast and Mac has foreign parts.
So today I get to start all over again and my nerves are already getting to me and I don't want to go to work today at all but have to since they want me in office. Please please let the Mac demons tear up my POS Mac today for good.
So I've pretty much been working at the office for a month now. Twas fine while I was lugging my own machine back and forth since I had all the files and it was just way more convenient since they didn't really have something suffice for me to use at the office. But enough was enough with the draggin' all my equipment around especially when it rained 2 weeks straight. So now I'm stuck at the office with a 7 year old Mac G5 with only 512 megs of RAM and Photoshop 7 (which I always liked that version), Illustrator 10 (never really used) and Indesign 2.0 (never ever used). Wah Wah Wah!
I got all excited because I thought I was getting all new and shiny equipment with flames kickin' out the back with all it's newness and fanciness. Man that bubble was burst when other office person brings up getting me a computer and big boss man is all O I though she was gonna use the Mac. Now keep in mind i'm no Diva who demands new shit, but come on anyone who designs knows that you do not appreciate watching a wheel spin just to render a photo while trying to clean it up. So luckily the past couple of days I was only cleaning up photos which is no biggie. But i'm done with that now and tried to created a header for the SnS website out of Photoshop upon request of programmer and that did not go so well. Let's just say I honestly tried to make it work for 3 hours so I had a strong argument built as to why I need upgraded (preferably new) equipment.
Well in that 3 hours I felt stress I hadn't felt since pre press days and believe me I was not happy in fact I was in tears. It took me a flippin' hour to calm down and go talk to in office man about going home to finish work on my computer for the day. He was very understanding of my situation but had no clue of my tech speak. I told him that maybe if we put more RAM in the Mac that would help me out a bit. So he calls their computer guy (who is more of a phone system man) to tell him that I knew exactly what type of RAM and that it was the same as a PCs and that I had installed the RAM in the macs at my previous job so I knew what I was talking about. Well computer/ phone dude did not believe me which I had the feeling he would not. He thinks that Mac & PCs are completely different beast and Mac has foreign parts.
So today I get to start all over again and my nerves are already getting to me and I don't want to go to work today at all but have to since they want me in office. Please please let the Mac demons tear up my POS Mac today for good.
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